About Us

Recognized as an industry leader with the development of its 21st Century Skills Library, Cherry Lake Press continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of the academic world. As students grow, we’re there with titles that support both curriculum and curiosity. With a broad spectrum of topics, from STEAM content, to series that explore values, to guides to today’s most popular games including Fortnite, Minecraft™, and LEGO® Mindstorms®, our titles challenge and empower.


  • Supports interest levels from kindergarten through eighth grade and reading levels from kindergarten through sixth grade
  • Supports students as they transition from learning facts and procedures to integrating and using knowledge
  • Timely topics: mindfulness, social and emotional concepts, technology, and more

“This publisher has matched years of experience working with youth librarians with knowledge of authors and topics to create this outstanding list of publications for your library shelves.”
— Blanche Woolls Past-President of AASL and IASL


"The Legend of the Old Man of the Mountain tells a beautiful and charming tale, offering a fitting homage to New Hampshire's famous, beloved and deeply mourned Old Man. Imagining great chief Pemigewasset reunited with his love will be a great comfort, helping to fill the gap in the reader's heart left by the Old Man's demise, even though the gap on the cliff remains."
—Donna Urey, White Birch Books