Editorial Review

STARRED SERIES REVIEW - Booklist Reviews - Racial Justice in America: Histories

Cover: Racial Justice in America: Histories

“Factual and balanced, the Racial Justice in America: Histories series addresses events and policies that demonstrate the prevalence of racial discrimination in the U.S. Atrocities in Action documents the history of lynching and the rise of white terrorist groups, tying this legacy of persecution to current injustices in the legal system and our country’s discriminatory incarceration practices. Jim Crow and Policing explores the enforcement of segregationist laws throughout the U.S. between 1877 and the 1960s. Juneteenth shares the story of this holiday commemorating emancipation, providing historical background and examples of current celebrations. Tulsa Race Riots explains that there were racial uprisings in over 20 American cities during the summer of 1919, including a week-long rebellion in Chicago, and covers the 1921 Greenwood, Oklahoma massacre. These are sensitive subjects for young readers, and the authors are careful to present information within social context, explaining what conditions existed in the past in the South and other parts of the country, identifying what events caused tensions to escalate, and discussing both immediate aftermaths and long-term consequences. Pages are filled with archival photos and reproductions, plenty of sidebars, and highlighted vocabulary, and each volume offers a glossary, list of recommended resources, and creative follow-up activity. The authors mention that these topics don’t always show up in traditional history books; this series helps change that narrative.”

—Kevin P. Winn, Kelisa Wing

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Racial Justice in America: Histories (6 titles)

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