The My Itty-Bitty Bio series are biographies for the earliest readers. This book examines the life of Bessie Coleman in a simple, age-appropriate way that will help children develop word…
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Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves animals. Guess What: Big and Blubbery: Walrus provides young curious readers with…
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This Level 1 guided reader illustrates examples of "big and small" found in the animal kingdom. Students will develop word recognition and reading skills while learning about opposites and…
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The My Favorite Animal series lets the earliest readers explore the animal kingdom. Bighorn Sheep examines the characteristics and habitat of the nimble mammal in a simple way that will help…
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The My Favorite Animal series lets the earliest readers explore the animal kingdom. Bison examines the characteristics and habitat of the giant grazer in a simple way that will help children…
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The My Favorite Animal series lets the earliest readers explore the animal kingdom. Black Bear examines the characteristics and habitat of the popular mammal in a simple way that will help…
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The My Guide to the Solar System series takes readers on a trip through our solar system and beyond! In this book, meet a black hole and learn what makes them special. Through simple…
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This Level 1 guided reader series explores how blasthole drills are used on construction sites. Students will develop word recognition and reading skills while learning about exciting…
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Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves animals. Guess What: Blue and Bumpy: Blue Crab provides young curious readers with…
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