Cover: Rock Climbing
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Rock Climbing

From the Set Healthy for Life

Rock climbing can be the fun and exhilarating, and the best part is that it is an activity that also helps you stay healthy and fit. Students will learn more about how they can start climbing, the importance of good equipment, and the health benefits of rock climbing.

Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 8
Reading Level Grade 6
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 7.5 x 9.5


Available Formats Reinforced book (9781602790148), Paperback (9781602790889), PDF (9781602791497), ePub (9781631378775), Hosted ebook (9781602791497H), Kindle (9781631371776)
Publication Date 08/01/2007
Language English
Copyright 2008
Dewey 796.52/23