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Patterns All Around

Set of 6 titles

Colorful design and full-page photographs introduce readers to patterns found in their everyday world. The concept and properties of patterns, including what is and is not a pattern, correlate to Common Core grades K-3 math curriculum and other national and state math standards. The examples in each book illustrate the shapes, lines, and designs that create patterns in everyday items and places. What Do You See? is a feature paired with select photos to encourage interaction with the images and improve readers' critical viewing and thinking skills.

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Available Formats Reinforced book (9781631889172), Paperback (9781631889332), PDF (9781631889493), Hosted ebook (9781631889653)
Publication Date 01/01/2015
Language English
Copyright 2015
Dewey 152.14/23
Lexile 340L-400L