
My Early Library

Set of 313 titles

The My Early Library books are developed with the earliest reader in mind. Subject matter is handled in an uncomplicated and age-appropriate way that encourages readers to ask deeper questions on each topic. Simple structure helps children develop word recognition and reading skills.

Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 1
Reading Level Grade 1
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8.25 x 8.25


Available Formats Reinforced book (9781668962435), Paperback (9781668964019), PDF (9781668966976), ePub (9781668965368), Hosted ebook (9781668970195), Kindle (9781668968581)
Publication Date 08/01/2025
Graphics Full-color illustrations, Full-color photographs, Historical photographs
Language English
Copyright 2026
Dewey 629.44/2-996.9/027092
Lexile 110L-930L