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Science & Technology

680 records found. Displaying 71 - 80.


How much do young readers know about their bones? From supporting bodies to protecting organs, it's time to explore bone basics and more. Bones presents incredible facts and stories about how More →

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How much do young readers know about their brain? From thinking to dreaming to making memories, it's time to explore brain basics and more. Brain presents incredible facts and stories about… More →

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The 21st Century Junior Library Extraordinary Engineering series explains how important feats of engineering are accomplished. Bridges examines the engineering concepts that make these… More →

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Budgeting in Infographics

Understanding how to wisely budget money is an important part of everyday life. In this book, readers learn the most important financial literacy rule: Spend less than you earn. Learning… More →

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Building a Blog

Using the AASL Standards Framework for Learners, the Create and Share: Thinking Digitally series provides younger readers with the necessary tools to successfully and safely navigate the… More →

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Building a Digital Footprint

Using the AASL Standards Framework for Learners, the Create and Share: Thinking Digitally series provides younger readers with the necessary tools to successfully and safely navigate the… More →

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Building a Gaming PC

By building their own custom PCs, video game fans can tweak every detail to make sure they get the best possible experience every time they play. This book provides readers with everything… More →

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Building Big

People have been constructing different types of buildings for thousands of years. Each structure was built using architecture--an amazing combination of science and art. This series explores More →

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Building Blocks of Computer Science

Coding and computer basics come alive in the newest installment of the popular building block series. Join Al, Stack, Tasky, and other colorful characters in a graphic-novel style adventure… More →

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