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Natural Sciences

634 records found. Displaying 501 - 510.



In Satellite, readers will learn about what a satellite does to help scientists explore space. Text written in simple sentences that help develop word recognition and improve reading skills. More →

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The My Guide to the Planets series introduces early readers to the planets in our solar system. Each book is told from the planet's perspective, providing a unique and fun approach to science More →

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Save Amphibians

Save Amphibians focuses on the importance of amphibians and the extinction crisis, what is threatening amphibians, what we can do to help amphibians, and what is already being done to combat… More →

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Save Birds

Save Birds focuses on the importance of birds and the extinction crisis, what is threatening birds, what we can do to help birds, and what is already being done to combat the bird extinction… More →

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Save Carnivores

Save Carnivores focuses on the importance of carnivores and the extinction crisis, what is threatening carnivores, what we can do to help carnivores, and what is already being done to combat… More →

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Save Native Plants

Save Native Plants focuses on the importance of native plants and the extinction crisis, what is threatening native plants, what we can do to help native plants, and what is already being… More →

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Save Ocean Life

Save Ocean Life focuses on the importance of ocean life and the extinction crisis, what is threatening ocean life, what we can do to help ocean life, and what is already being done to combat… More →

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Save Pollinators

Save Pollinators focuses on the importance of pollinators and the extinction crisis, what is threatening pollinators, what we can do to help pollinators, and what is already being done to… More →

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Scaly Swimmers: Crocodile

Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves animals. Guess What: Scaly Swimmers provides young curious readers with striking visual… More →

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Science Investigations

The Science Investigations series centers scientific inquiry by providing readers with hands-on experiences with the world around them. These books use scientific and engineering practices to More →

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