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Natural Sciences

634 records found. Displaying 541 - 550.


Books in the Outdoor Explorers series introduce children to the specific US regional plants, animals, landscape, weather, and geography through a fun nature hike. This book studies the… More →

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Books in the Outdoor Explorers series introduce children to the specific US regional plants, animals, landscape, weather, and geography through a fun nature hike. This book studies the… More →

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Space Discoveries

From millions of miles away, Mars looks like a bright red star. But it's more than just a spot in the sky! Science has given us many lessons on what else exists in our solar system. Rovers,… More →

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Space Mysteries

In 2017, a huge rocky formation was spotted moving through space, defying science's understanding of natural motion. Researchers called the rock 'Oumuamua. Two years later, a similar… More →

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Space Shuttle

In Space Shuttle, readers will learn about what a shuttle does to help astronauts and scientists explore space. Text written in simple sentences that help develop word recognition and improve More →

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Space Station

In Space Station, readers will learn about what a space station does to help astronauts and scientists explore space. Text written in simple sentences that help develop word recognition and… More →

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Space Suit

In Space Suit, readers will learn about what a space suit does to help astronauts explore space. Text written in simple sentences that help develop word recognition and improve reading skills. More →

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Spider Monkey

Introduces facts about spider monkeys, including physical features, habitat, life cycle, food, and threats to these rainforest creatures. Photos, captions, and keywords supplement the… More →

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Spiders Weave Webs

Young children are naturally curious about animals. Spiders Weave Webs offers answers to their most compelling questions about why spiderwebs. Age-appropriate explanations and appealing… More →

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Spiky Plants

Plants might look harmless, but they can be killers. Some plants have huge thorns filled with stinging insects. Others can poke a person's skin with tiny poison daggers. This narrative… More →

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