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Natural Sciences

634 records found. Displaying 51 - 60.


The My Favorite Animal series lets the earliest readers explore the animal kingdom. Bison examines the characteristics and habitat of the giant grazer in a simple way that will help children… More →

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Black Bear

The My Favorite Animal series lets the earliest readers explore the animal kingdom. Black Bear examines the characteristics and habitat of the popular mammal in a simple way that will help… More →

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Black Hole

The My Guide to the Solar System series takes readers on a trip through our solar system and beyond! In this book, meet a black hole and learn what makes them special. Through simple… More →

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Blue and Bumpy: Blue Crab

Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves animals. Guess What: Blue and Bumpy: Blue Crab provides young curious readers with… More →

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Bog Mummies

Bog mummies hold fascinating secrets. They teach us hidden facts about the past. This narrative nonfiction book examines bog mummies from all over Europe. Look inside to unearth these ancient More →

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How much do young readers know about their bones? From supporting bodies to protecting organs, it's time to explore bone basics and more. Bones presents incredible facts and stories about how More →

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In this book, simple, age-appropriate text introduces readers to Brachiosaurus, from what it looked like to how it lived. Large, exciting images fill the pages, while sidebars encourage… More →

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How much do young readers know about their brain? From thinking to dreaming to making memories, it's time to explore brain basics and more. Brain presents incredible facts and stories about… More →

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Brainy and Brawny: Gorilla

Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves animals. Guess What: Brainy and Brawny: Gorilla provides young curious readers with… More →

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Bright and Beautiful: Butterfly

Young children are natural problem solvers and always looking for answers, especially when it involves interesting insects. Guess What: Bright and Beautiful: Butterfly provides young curious… More →

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