Editorial Review

Booklist - Enviro-Graphics series

Cover: Climate Change in Infographics

The books in the 21st Century Skills Library: Enviro-Graphics series
rely on infographics to provide specific, engaging data and details about
a number of different topics related to the environment. In each book,
chapters begin with a brief introductory text before moving exclusively
into infographics. For example, one chapter in Agriculture introduces
problems caused by farming practices and then adds infographics on
food waste; on land, air, and water issues; on pesticides; and on emis-
sions of pollutants. Climate Change helps illuminate this subject with
an infographic comparing weather and climate and varying depic-
tions of greenhouse-effect contributors. Industrialization expands on
the topic of industrialization today with infographics on jobs now and
in the past, dates of industrialization for countries around the world,
average annual income in countries at different stages of industrializa-
tion, and urban growth. Invasive Species concludes with infographics
presenting methods of controlling invasive species, success stories in
controlling them, and actions individuals can take to help. Each book
includes a variety of different types of infographics, from simple charts,
diagrams, maps, and time lines to bar, line, and pie graphs. These varied
infographics are unified by their clear, colorful, and appealing design.
These books will be great resources for research projects and for readers
who learn best from information presented visually.

Products Reviewed

Title   ATOS
Agriculture in Infographics
Climate Change in Infographics
Industrialization in Infographics
Invasive Species in Infographics

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